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Micro-Cap 9. Руководство пользователя. (англ.) PDF 4.8 MB
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Был размещен: 27-Мар-2009, 03:05 |
About the User's Guide
This guide helps you get started. It shows you how to install the product and describes the main features of the program. Tutorials are used throughout, first to teach basic concepts and later, to develop skill in using the features of the program.The chapters cover these topics:
• Chapter 1, "Before You Begin", shows you how to check your equipment, make backup copies of the disks, and install the product. • Chapter 2, "Exploring the Basics", provides a quick tour of the product, followed by an introduction to the basic Micro-Cap user interface. • Chapter 3, "Creating and Editing Simple Circuits", illustrates techniques for circuit creation and editing. • Chapter 4, "Transient Analysis", describes the time domain simulator. • Chapter 5, "AC Analysis", describes AC analysis. • Chapter 6, "DC Analysis", describes the nonlinear DC simulator. • Chapter 7, "Using the Scope", shows how to use Scope to analyze plots. • Chapter 8, "Using Probe", illustrates Probe's 'point and shoot' tools for interactive display of simulation results. • Chapter 9, "Stepping Component Parameters", shows how to use parameter stepping to see the effect of changing the numeric model parameters. • Chapter 10, "Using Monte Carlo", describes how to use the Monte Carlo function to analyze the statistical performance of a circuit. • Chapter 11, "Working with Macros", describes the use of macros. • Chapter 12, "Working with Subcircuits", describes the use of subcircuits. • Chapter 13, "Printing and Plotting", describes the options for printing and plotting the various text and graphic displays produced by Micro-Cap. • Chapter 14, "Using Animation Mode", describes the animation methods.
| Категория файла: Моделирование в MicroCAP | Добавил файл: Козлов
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