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Сравнение 6...9 версий MicroCAP
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Был размещен: 27-Мар-2009, 02:56 |
New Features Introduced in Micro-Cap 6
In July of 1999 Micro-Cap 6 was released. Its principal new features were: • Active and passive filter designer • PCB netlist interface • New BSIM3 3.2 MOSFET model • Dynamic DC operating point analysis mode • Sensitivity analysis • Transfer function analysis • Temperature list for all analyses • List, log, and linear sweep options for DC analysis • Automatic macros • Network version • Enhanced user waveforms • Gmin stepping • Slope, X_Low, X_High, Y_Low, and Y_High performance functions • Probe macro pin selector • New power variables • Complex Bessel functions, series, and factorials • Symbolic parameter tolerances • A plot polygon region for defining desired design areas • Extended DC analysis
New Features Introduced in Micro-Cap 7
In September of 2001, Micro-Cap 7 was released. Its major features were: • Optimizer • RF models and Smith charts • Portable schematic file format. • User-specified paths (folders) for all major file groups • Characteristic curves in the Attribute dialog box • Import and Add Part wizards in the Component editor • Attribute dialog box editor • Multistage undo and redo • Improved component find command • Text stepping • Symbolic derivative finder • Status bar monitor • Waveform branch and data point labeling • Smooth schematic panning • Bill of materials • Sanity checker • SPICE file probing • Live formulas • New X and Y Scale format for constant grid values • Even decimal values cursor positioning • Thumbnail plot • Incremental auto-ranging • Simultaneous multi-row analysis limits edits • Run-invariant expressions in model parameters • Complex trigonometric functions • Complex conditional functions • Expressions for histograms and performance plots • Attribute search and replace • Multiple file opener • PADS PCB output
What's New in Micro-Cap 8
In February of 2004, Micro-Cap 8 was released. Its major features were: IBIS modeling tool New IBIS modeling tools were added to translate IBIS files to standard Micro-Cap / SPICE input and output pin models. These models accurately reproduced the IBIS golden waveforms. The IBIS editor created both standard library SPICE models and verification models for testing and verifying golden waveforms. EKV MOSFET model The latest EKV MOSFET model from the Swiss Institute of Technology was added. It featured a dedicated charge-based dynamic model using only 18 intrinsic core parameters. BSIM4 MOSFET model The BSIM4 MOSFET model was added to address MOSFET physical effects into the sub-100nm realm. HSPICE style binning BSIM3 and BSIM4 devices were upgraded to include the HSPICE binning option, as well as the standard Berkeley binning option. Short distance VT matching for BSIM3 and BSIM4 models Both BSIM3 and BSIM4 were upgraded to include a short distance VT matching parameter, to better model short distance threshold variations. N-Port device using Touchstone data format A new N-Port device was added that used S, Y, Z, G, or H parameters and read standard Touchstone data files. SPICE voltage and current source enhancements New time-domain Noise and Gaussian waveforms and preset tabs for common waveforms were added to make complex waveform creation easy. Timer device A flexible new timer device was added to count events, and to measure both elapsed and last event time. Enhanced S and W switches A hystereses option was added to the S and W switches.
Improved magnetics model A new, more robust Jiles-Atherton magnetics model was added. Both MODEL and the mainline simulator now plot BH values in both CGS and MKS (SI) units. Animation components • SPST, SPDT, DPST analog switches for dynamically configuring a circuit. • Analog bar with height proportional to the input DC voltage. • Analog LED with user-defined color and on voltage. • Rotating DC motor with DC voltage dependent RPM. • Analog / digital DC voltage/current meter. • Relay with programmable resistance, inductance, and on and off currents. • Three color traffic light. Password protection A new protection feature added password protection to circuit and macro files. Find in Files command A new Find in Files command was added to search circuit or other files for text, components, or other content. Info Page An Info text page was added to show the location of macros/subcircuits used in the circuit, resolving uncertainty over which model file was used. Component menu shape display The Component menu could now show the component shape as you browse. Local path commands New local .PATH commands let a circuit specify DATA and LIBRARY paths, overriding the global paths. Subcircuit maker A new Make SUBCKT command translated a schematic to a SPICE subcircuit. Improved Bill of Materials report A new Bill of Materials report featured sorting on any field and a live report that responded to user format changes immediately. Apply Display Properties command A new command was added to copy a selected part's display properties (part color, attribute font, size, color, and print location) to other similarly named and rotated parts.
Change Attribute command A new Change Attribute command was added to add, delete, edit, show, or hide attributes of any subset of the parts in a schematic, making mass changes easy. New graphics formats TIFF, PNG, JPG, and ICO graphics formats were added to the standard BMP, WMF, and EMF formats for saving schematic and plot images. Automatic node highlight Node highlighting was added. Cleanup command A new Cleanup command for deleting miscellaneous extraneous files was added. New Attribute dialog box plot Diodes acquired a new Ir vs. Vr plot to show reverse characteristics. New color options Parts and wires could now have individual colors. New Dynamic AC analysis A new analysis mode was added that featured dynamic on-schematic display of AC voltage, current, and power as frequency is stepped, with the display dynamically responding to schematic edits. Enhanced Dynamic DC analysis Stepping, optimization, and an Analysis Limits dialog box were added to Dynamic DC. New Distortion analysis A new analysis mode was added that employed the DSP routines to calculate and plot measures of distortion, including raw harmonics, as well as total and individual harmonic distortion. Enhanced Fourier analysis A new FFT window was added to automatically convert transient plots to Fourier plots. A new FS(expr,n1,n2) function was added that created a waveform from the n1 to n2 terms of the Fourier series of (expr). A new RES(expr,n1,n2) function was added to create a residual waveform by subtracting the n1 to n2 terms of the original waveform. FFT auto-scale commands were upgraded to allow ignoring the DC component and auto scaling over only selected harmonics.
Analysis plot improvements • Scale factors (Meg, K,...p, f) for X/Y axes. e.g. "Time (nS)" • Units (Amps, Volts, Watts,...) for plots. e.g. "V(26) (Volts)" • Open and closed circles and squares data point markers • Normal and popsicle data point styles • X, Y, or both autoscaling options • New option to force all X scales to be the same • Retrace mode for rolling displays • Right clicking on expressions to invoke FFT, performance, and 3D plots • New minor log grid option to show and label 1-2-5-10 sequence New expressions and functions • Integration and differentiation operators for use in function sources • Array variables for indexed selection of variable values from a predefined array of values • Transmission line power and energy terms • AC power and energy terms • New random functions, RNDR, RNDC, and RNDI(interval) • New DELAY(x,d) function returns expression x delayed by d seconds • S and W switch resistance, voltage, current, power, and energy terms • SPICE3 analog Boolean operators, &, |, ~, and ^ with analog parameters • LAST(expr,n) function • MAXR and MINR function to track an expression's highest and lowest value during a run • NORM, NORMMAX and NORMMIN functions to normalize at specified, maximum, and minimum points • International engineering notation (e.g. 3R3 = 3.3) • Global settings variables • Model parameter use of variables like TEMP that are constant during a run • Nested series expressions • Product series function (e.g. PROD(I,1,3,I) = 1*2*3) Analysis limits dialog box The dialog box size and X and Y fields were made user-adjustable. Optimizer enhancements The new optimizer supported dynamic plots to show optimization progress and worked with both Dynamic DC and Dynamic AC. MODEL import MODEL was upgraded to allow simple one-step exporting of its parts directly to the Component library.
Numeric formats A new decimal numeric format was added that used only numbers, commas, and decimal points. 1.234e6 could be formatted as 1,234,000.000. Support was added for international engineering notation (e.g. 3R3 = 3.3). Filter Designer improvements Step and Impulse response plots were added. Monte Carlo improvements A new feature let users reproduce statistical distributions by specifying the random number seed. New features included user-specified histogram range and intervals. Expanded LAN operation Several features were added to better support LAN installations. The model library index was now written locally, avoiding the need to write to possibly write-protected LAN disks. Component, Shape, and Package library files could also be located on write-protected LAN disks. Miscellaneous • New .WARNING message condition command to let users create custom warnings such as .WARNING "Capacitor voltage exceeded." V(C1) > 50 • SPACEBAR toggle between voltage and current in Probe. • .DEFINE statement for use in SPICE files. • All On and All Off buttons to enable/disable all stepped variables. • Rename command to provide left to right and top to bottom options. • Translator to convert file from S, Y, Z, G, or H format to any other format. • New numeric output option to let the user decide what to include.
What's New in Micro-Cap 9
In January of 2007, Micro-Cap 9 was released. Its major new features were:
Schematic Editor
Circuitry region enable / disable: Circuitry can be temporarily enabled or disabled with a simple click, allowing multiple versions of a circuit to be contained in a single schematic. Disabled regions are ignored during an analysis. Region enable expressions: A new Region Box with an enable expression allows conditional inclusion of circuitry. Component panel: A new panel provides easy access to the library. Schematic display: On-schematic display of last, RMS, average, or peak values Hotkeys: Users can set their own hotkeys for any command. Digital stimulus source: Common patterns are now button selectable. Improved rubberbanding: Rubberbanding now eliminates all diagonal lines. Shape groups: Components now have a shape group as well as a shape name, allowing easy switching between shape families. Window tabs: Window tabs allow easy visual access to schematics, plots, histograms, performance window, etc. Intelligent Paste command: A paste between circuits optionally adds the appropriate model statements, subcircuits, and macros to the new circuit. Warning messages: Parts and nodes involved in a triggered warning are now colored. The command has been improved with the addition of global names like R@ to refer to any and all resistors. Warning messages are now also sent to the numeric output file. Text control blocks: New text control blocks (.IF boolean_expression, .ELSE, .ELIF boolean_expression, and .ENDIF) allow conditional inclusion of text, which may control .commands, model statements, and SPICE netlist circuitry.
.SPICE / .ENDSPICE commands: These new commands let you add SPICE
netlist-defined circuitry to the text pages of schematics without using a subcircuit. Improved Component Find command: The find dialog box searches as you type. New Parameter Find command: A new search command for parameter names and descriptions in the Attribute Dialog Box makes it easy to find parameters in complex MOSFET and bipolar models with lengthy parameter lists. Assignable component links: Components now have a user-assignable link for quick access to data sheets or other technical documents from an internet URL or a disk location. Live text expressions: Expressions can now be buried in text and are updated as the constituent variables change. Node snap hotkey: Node snap can now be enabled/disabled by a hotkey. Mouse tips: Information is displayed at the mouse cursor tip when it is placed over a schematic element. Fit to Standard Values command: This finds the closest single or series/parallel combination of standard part values that match a given R, L, or C value. Multiple circuits passwords: Many circuits can be given a password at one time. Overlapping objects command: This lets you select overlapping objects with CTRL + Tab. Common attribute control: This lets you select and move the text of multiple attributes simultaneously. Bill of materials export: A delimiter can now be added to make exporting easier. RGB color stored in file: RGB color information (rather than a palette number) is now stored in the circuit file so when the circuit is given to someone else, the colors stay the same. Batch file parameters: The Batch Script language has been enhanced so that parameters can be defined and passed from the batch file to the circuit being analyzed. Numeric output files can be named to avoid overwriting.
IGBT model: An integrated IGBT model was added. It is based upon the implementation by Gregory Oziemkiewicz of the Hefner model. Philips Mextram bipolar model: This is a vertical NPN or PNP bipolar model that describes velocity saturation, base widening, Kirk effect, impact ionization, and self heating effects. Philips Modella bipolar model: This lateral PNP bipolar model describes current crowding, high-level injection, and bias dependent output impedance. Philips MOSFET Model 20: A high voltage compact LDMOS model Philips MOSFET Model 31: A new high voltage MOSFET model Philips MOSFET Model 40: A new high voltage Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) MOSFET model Philips MOSFET Model 11: A popular Philips MOSFET model suitable for low voltage CMOS RF applications PSP MOSFET model: PSP is the latest compact, surface-potential based model suitable for digital, analog, and RF CMOS applications. Jointly developed by Philips and Penn Sate University, the model accounts for mobility reduction, velocity saturation, DIBL, gate current, and lateral doping gradient effects. N-Port component: A and T parameters were added. Enhanced RLC models: Resistors, capacitors, and inductors now have optional model parameters for parasitic resistance, capacitance, and inductance. Philips JUNCAP2 model: The JUNCAP2 diode model was added. JUNCAP2 is a MOSFET pn junction model that describes depletion capacitance, Shockley- Read-Hall currents, trap-assisted tunnelling and band-to-band tunnelling, avalanche breakdown, and shot noise. User source: A trigger expression was added. The source is idle until the expression becomes true.
Waveform Buffer: A new Waveform Buffer accumulates curves / waveforms automatically or under user control for later plotting and comparison. In automatic mode the buffer accumulates waveforms up to a user-set memory limit. Dynamic analysis mode: A new interactive analysis mode allows dynamic plot updates as changes are made. This is an extension of Dynamic DC to transient analysis, AC analysis, and DC analysis. Plots can either accumulate or replace showing the effect of successive changes in component parameters, model parameters, or user variables. Parameter changes can be controlled by sliders, cursor keys, or edits of any kind. Dynamic performance tags: These new tags perform curve measurements showing the new values each time an analysis is run or a new branch of a stepped curve is selected. Individual tag format: The color, font, numeric format, and other characteristics can now be set individually for each tag. Define variable usage: .Define variables can now be used in the range fields. Numeric output improvements: Variable engineering notation within a column of numbers, selectable row/column tabular format, and curve aliases were added to numeric output files. Plot pages: Analysis plot pages with assignable names allow plot grouping. Envelope command: This new command creates a polygon encompassing the curves of a Monte Carlo or stepped run. It is useful for graphically depicting the plot variation. Stepping: The tabs of enabled stepping panels are now check-marked so it is easier to see what is active. Part names in the dialog box are now ordered so they go R1, R2, R3 …. R10 rather than R1, R10, R2. Visible region auto-scale: A new auto scale command is available that operates only over the X portion being currently displayed on the screen. Separate select mode for schematic and analysis: There is now a separate Select mode option for both Schematic and Analysis.
Edit while probing: The interactive analysis feature of MC9 lets you edit the schematic while in probe. Each edit updates the simulation and shows the effect of the change. CTRL + SPACEBAR cycles through the available probe modes, while SPACEBAR now toggles between probe mode and schematic select mode. Visual probing of macros and subcircuits: Drill down probing lets you visually probe macro schematics or subcircuits to any level. Instead of selecting items from a list, you can probe macro objects directly. With subcircuits, you can probe directly on netlist nodes and names. Expanded Probe displays: FFT, Performance, and 3D Windows are now available in Probe. Monte Carlo New Tolerance dialog box: This provides a rapid way to apply LOT and DEV tolerances. Tolerance templates can be saved and applied to future models. Improved Load MC File command: A Load MC file dialog box lets you choose which of the cases you want to load for review. Performance measurement display: Selecting a case from the Histogram display list while the plot is in Cursor mode causes the corresponding performance function measurement to be shown. Expressions Legendre polynomials: Legendre polynomials were added. Lambert W function: The Lambert W function was added. Complex impedance: Complex impedance and conductance expressions for passive elements like Z(D1), Z(C1), Z(L1), and Z(R1) are now available in AC.
Filter Designer
Passive elliptic filters: Passive elliptic filter capability was added. Fit to Standard Values command: A new command was added to find the optimal series or parallel arrangement of standard resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Component Editor New right click menu: This menu lets you add, copy, delete, paste, replace, and find information for parts. Improved Group Delete command: Deleting a populated group is now allowed, after a warning is given that the parts will be deleted. Improved Move Parts command: The Move Parts dialog box allows selection of both the From directory and the To directory. Previously, the From directory had to be selected before invoking the Move Parts command. Improved Add Part wizard: The Add Part wizard now asks for the model file name before the part name, allowing it to scan the file and offer a list of candidate names from the model file. Macro parameters: These parameters can now be automatically displayed when initially placed in a schematic without having to turn on the Show flag for each one. This feature is set in the Component library. Remove file icon: Remove File icon is different from the Delete (part) icon.
User-adjustable recently used component list: The size of the recently used component list is now user adjustable. File menu view settings memory: The view settings (details, list, etc.) in the File menu are now saved between uses. Windows XP or later. Improved Find in Files command: The text search option now searches analysis plots and analysis limits text expressions in addition to schematic text objects. Bus: A bus connector and associated wiring routines were added.
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