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Micro-Cap 9. Справочное руководство. (англ.) PDF 7.7 MB

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Chapter 1 - Windows Basics 
What's in this chapter 17
Introduction 18
Parts of a window 18
Basic mouse and keyboard techniques 21
Menus 22
Chapter 2 - The Circuit Editor 
What's in this chapter 23
Circuit structure 25
Schematic objects 27
Schematic modes 28
Circuit editor 32
Selecting and deselecting objects 34
Creating a new circuit 36
Adding and editing components 37
The Attribute dialog box 39
Adding wires to a schematic 44
Using the Bus 46
Adding and editing grid text 48
Formula text 51
Adding and editing graphic objects 53
Adding and editing flags 54
Moving schematic objects 54
Rotating schematic objects 54
Stepping schematic objects 55
Mirroring schematic objects 56
Deleting schematic objects 57
The Undo and Redo commands 57
Enabling/disabling schematic objects 58
Node number assignment 59
The clipboard 60
Drag copying 61
The Info command 62
The Help command 62
The Digital Path commands 63
Navigating schematics 65
Global Settings 66
The File menu 70
The Edit menu 73
The Component menu 79
The Component panel 81
The Windows menu 82
The Options menu 84
The Analysis menu 102
The Design menu 104
The Model menu 105
The Model editor 106
The Help system 108
Chapter 3 - The Shape Editor 
What's in this chapter 111
The Shape editor layout 112
The Object editor 118
The Shape library 120
Chapter 4 - The Component Editor
What's in this chapter 121
The Component editor layout 122
Adding components to the library 128
Adding subcircuits to the library 129
Using the Add Part wizard 132
Using the Import wizard 134
Using Copy, Paste, and Replace 136
Making circuit files portable 137
Chapter 5 - The Package Editor 
What's in this chapter 139
The Package editor layout 140
Adding basic packages to the library 143
Adding complex packages to the library 144
Chapter 6 - Transient Analysis 
What's in this chapter 145
What happens in transient analysis 146
The Transient Analysis Limits dialog box 148
The Transient menu 154
Initialization 155
The State Variables editor 157
Using the P key 158
Numeric output 159
Operating Point Methods 161
Chapter 7 - AC Analysis 
What's in this chapter 163
What happens in AC analysis 164
The AC Analysis Limits dialog box 166
The AC menu 172
Numeric output 173
Noise 175
AC analysis tips 176
Chapter 8 - DC Analysis 
What's in this chapter 179
The DC Analysis Limits dialog box 180
The DC menu 186
Numeric output 187
Troubleshooting tips 188
Chapter 9 - Dynamic AC Analysis
What's in this chapter 189
What happens in Dynamic AC analysis 190
A sample of Dynamic AC analysis 193
Chapter 10 - Dynamic DC Analysis
What's in this chapter 197
What happens in Dynamic DC analysis 198
A sample of Dynamic DC analysis 201
Chapter 11 - Transfer Function Analysis
What's in this chapter 205
What happens in transfer function analysis 206
The Transfer Function Analysis Limits dialog box 207
A sample of transfer function analysis 208
Chapter 12 - Sensitivity Analysis 209
What's in this chapter 209
What happens in sensitivity analysis 210
The Sensitivity Analysis Limits dialog box 211
Chapter 13 - Distortion Analysis 215
What's in this chapter 215
What happens in distortion analysis 216
The Distortion Analysis Limits dialog box 217
Distortion analysis example 219
Chapter 14 - Scope
What's in this chapter 221
Analysis plot modes 222
Panning the plot 224
Scaling the plot 225
Tagging the plot 226
Adding graphics to the plot 228
Scope menu 229
The Plot Properties dialog box 234
Cursor mode positioning 246
Waveform Buffer 248
Chapter 15 - Probe
What's in this chapter 251
How Probe works 252
Probe menu 253
Transient analysis variables 255
AC analysis variables 257
DC analysis variables 259
Probe analog variables 260
Probe regions 261
Probing a SPICE file 261
Editing the schematic in Probe 262
Probing macros and subcircuits 262
Chapter 16 - Stepping
What's in this chapter 263
How stepping works 264
What can be stepped? 264
The Stepping dialog box 265
Public vs. private libraries 268
Stepping summary 269
Chapter 17 - Optimizer
What's in this chapter 271
How the optimizer works 272
The Optimize dialog box 273
Optimizing low frequency gain 277
Optimizing matching networks 280
Curve fitting with the optimizer 283
Chapter 18 - Monte Carlo Analysis
What's in this chapter 287
How Monte Carlo works 288
Tolerancing symbolic parameters 292
Tolerances and public vs. private libraries 293
Distributions 294
Options 295
Performance functions 298
Chapter 19 - Performance Functions
What's in this chapter 299
What are performance functions? 300
Performance functions defined 301
The Performance Function dialog box 305
Performance function plots 308
Chapter 20 - 3D Graphs
What's in this chapter 315
How 3D plotting works 316
3D example 317
The Properties dialog box for 3D plots 320
Cursor mode in 3D 326
3D Performance functions 327
Changing the plot orientation 329
Scaling in 3D 330
Chapter 21 - Macros

Chapter 22 - Analog Devices
What's in this chapter 379
References 381
Animated analog bar 385
Animated analog LED 386
Animated DC motor 387
Animated DPST, SPDT, and SPST switches 388
Animated meter 389
Animated relay 391
Animated traffic light 393
Animated digital switch 394
Animated digital LED 395
Animated seven segment display 396
Battery 397
Bipolar transistor (Standard Gummel Poon Level=1) 398
Bipolar transistor (Philips Mextram Level = 2 or 21) 404
Bipolar transistor (Philips Modella Level = 500 or 501) 409
Capacitor 413
Dependent sources (linear) 418
Dependent sources (SPICE E, F, G, H devices) 419
Diode 424
Diode (Philips JUNCAP and JUNCAP2) 428
Function sources 434
GaAsFET 438
IBIS 443
IGBT 444
Independent sources (Voltage Source and Current Source) 449
Inductor 458
Isource 463
JFET 464
K (Mutual inductance / Nonlinear magnetics model) 468
Laplace sources 473
Macro 477
MOSFET Philips Model 11 525
MOSFET Philips Model 20 541
MOSFET Philips Model 31 548
MOSFET Philips Model 40 551
MOSFET PSP Model 554
N_Port 578
Pulse source 587
Resistor 589
S (Voltage-controlled switch) 593
Sample and hold source 596
Sine source 598
Subcircuit call 600
Switch 603
Timer 605
Transformer 608
Transmission line 609
User file source 612
W (Current-controlled switch) 614
Z transform source 617
Chapter 23 - Digital Devices
What's in this chapter 619
The digital simulation engine 620
Digital nodes 620
Digital states 621
Timing models 624
Unspecified propagation delays 625
Unspecified timing constraints 626
Propagation delays 627
Digital delay ambiguity 629
Timing hazards 631
The analog/digital interface 633
General digital primitive format 637
Primitives 640
Gates 643
Standard gates 644
Tri-state gates 648
Flip-flops and latches 652
Edge-triggered flip-flops 653
Gated latch 658
Pullup and pulldown 663
Delay line 665
Programmable logic arrays 667
Multi-bit A/D converter 673
Multi-bit D/A converter 677
Behavioral primitives 680
Logic expression 681
Pin-to-pin delay 686
Constraint checker 695
Stimulus devices 703
Stimulus generator 703
Stimulus generator examples 707
The File Stimulus device 713
File Stimulus input file format 713
I/O model 719
Digital / analog interface devices 722
Digital input device (N device) 722
Digital output device (O device) 726

Chapter 24 - Libraries

What's in this chapter 729
The Shape Library 730
The Package Library 730
The Component Library 731
The Model Library 733
How models are accessed 734
Chapter 25 - Expressions
What's in this chapter 735
What are expressions? 736
Numbers 737
Symbolic variables 738
Array variables 739
Constants and analysis variables 741
Power and Energy 742
Variables 743
Wildcard device and node names 744
Component variables 747
Subcircuit and macro variables 749
Model parameter variables 750
Sample variables 751
Mathematical operators and functions 752
Sample expressions 759
Rules for using operators and variables 762
Chapter 26 - Command Statements
What's in this chapter 763
.AC 764
.ARRAY 765
.DC 767
.ELIF 770
.ELSE 770
.END 771
.ENDIF 771
.ENDS 771
.FUNC 772
.HELP 773
.IC 773
.IF 774
.LIB 775
.MACRO 776
.MODEL 777
.NOISE 781
.OP 781
.OPT[IONS] 782
.PARAM 782
.PATH 784
.PLOT 784
.PRINT 784
.SPICE 785
.SENS 785
.STEP 786
.TEMP 789
.TF 789
.TIE 789
.TR 790
.TRAN 790
.WATCH 793
Chapter 27 - The Model Program
What's in this chapter 795
How to start Model 795
The Model window 796
The Model tool bar 798
The Model menu 800
A bipolar transistor example 803
Diode graphs 809
Bipolar transistor graphs 810
JFET graphs 812
MOSFET graphs 813
Opamp graphs 815
Core graph 816
Chapter 28 - The IBIS Translator
What's in this chapter 817
What is IBIS? 818
The IBIS translator 819
An example of IBIS file translation 822
Chapter 29 - Filter Design
What's in this chapter 827
How the active filter designer works 828
The Active Filter dialog box 829
Component lists 840
Filter support files 842
Filter specification: mode 1 843
Filter specification: mode 2 849
How the passive filter designer works 851
The Passive Filter dialog box 852
Chapter 30 - Convergence
What's in this chapter 857
Convergence defined 858
What causes convergence problems 859
Convergence checklist 860
Chapter 31 - Fourier Analysis 865
What's in this chapter 865
How FFT functions work 866
Fast Fourier Transform functions 868
An FFT example 874
The FFT control panel 879
The FFT window 882
Appendix A - File types 885
Appendix B - Model library files 887
Appendix C - Sample circuit files 890
Appendix D - Accelerator keys 895

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